EXPERIENCE: With decades of involvement and exposure in the strapping industry, the Triangle Technologies team has developed unique solutions for strapping machines and strap dispensing equipment for operation in almost every segment of industry. Featuring our own Seal type and Seal-less type Strapping Heads, the designs for our standard machines and equipment suit a wide variety of strapping requirements for reinforcing, unitizing, bundling, baling, and palletizing product and materials for more efficient and safer handling.
PROCESS and PACKAGING: Our strapping systems have been used extensively in the manufacturing process for evaporator, heater and radiator cores, electrical transformers, television picture tubes and flower boxes; all saving the expense of developing new processes, equipment and/or reducing labor requirements during the assembly and manufacturing process.
INNOVATIONS: Modular Design - Our strapping heads feature a modular design. The modular concept is a conscious design effort to greatly reduce down time and simplify the maintenance and service of the strapping head. Replacement modules can be changed out in minutes and then serviced "off the machine", or they can be sent to Triangle Technologies for factory service, repair and adjustment without interrupting normal production. Our Seals in a Coil have capacities of 2500 double-notch to 4000 single-notch seals versus standard strapping equipment capacities of only 500 seals. The reduction in labor and downtime to reload seals is dramatically reduced.
Jumbo Strap Coil Dispensers - With capacities to 2,000 lbs, 10 to 20 times the capacity of a standard 100 lb. strap dispenser, the improvements in safety and productivity are astonishing.
SAFETY/PRODUCTIVITY: The use of 1,000-lb coils of strapping as opposed to 100-lb or 60-lb coils will reduce the employee's exposure to injury or risk by 90% to 94%.
Every time a coil of steel strapping is handled, the operator is exposed to the potential risk of strained muscles and crushed, lacerated or severed digits.
The use of 1,000-lb coils of strapping material requires 90%-94% fewer coil changes and provides a proportional increase in production uptime.
For a company that consumes 6,000 lbs of steel strap each month and conservatively figuring approximately 10 minutes for each 100-lb coil change, you will save 9 to 15-1/2 hours of labor every month or approximately 2-1/2 to 4-1/2 weeks of labor time and proportionately improve production uptime each year depending on your current coil configuration (100lb or 60lb).
ECONOMY/STANDARDIZATION: We have three basic machines, all designed and built on the basic premise that the optimum seal joint (strap closure) location on your product or package will either be on the Top, Bottom or Side. For most applications we need only adjust the strap track on any of our standard machines to suit the length, width and height (A, B, and C dimensions) of the product or package being strapped. Controls are tailored for semi-automatic strapping, fully automatic strapping, in-and-out conveyors, or integration into a packaging or process system.
RELIABILITY: The reliability of our strapping systems have proven their effectiveness in the automotive, tobacco and cement block industries. Many of our installations have operated 24/7 for well over a decade.
CUSTOMIZATION: When the strapping industries' "standard" equipment does not suit your application, Triangle Technologies will design a cost effective solution. In most cases, TTI can design a strapping system to meet your exclusive requirements at little or no more cost than other strapping companies' "Standard Equipment" without compromising your overall requirements.
Modular designs, seals in a coil and our jumbo dispensers all contribute to reducing down time, increasing productivity and reducing operator exposure to injury to risk.